
Thursday, April 28, 2011

One Challenge in Life: Feeling Alone in Decision Making

So this week has been a emotional week for me. I feel like I do not have a purpose at all after yesterday. There was one question I have been avoiding for a while. That question is "What are you going to do with your life Peter?" 

For sometime now, I feel blank and that was something I could not answer. I use to say I am going to graduate with my Bachelors and possibly move on with my Masters and do business. But if I say that, what kinda of business will I be doing? When will I be doing it? Why am I doing this? I feel like I am just saying it just because and I just do not want to be someone that has his life set.

This came up to me yesterday by a friend. I told him about my concern about this path of the music business I was taking and about my education right now in school. By taking the path into the music industry, I have officially put myself into a harder position because I have to work extra hard. My voice has not reached its peek nor achieved any success yet. The problem right now is just money. I am just broke.

So when education came up, I told my friend that I was planning on working with Children International or become a graduate assistant because if you work for the school you have get a discount on your tuition. My friend then told me "What are you going to do with your life?" "You need a plan Peter..."

So it's safe to say he was correct because having a plan is a wise decision. But when it comes to making a decision about my life, I just feel like I am alone. I know I have friends that can support me about it, but my family won't. My parents think its a foolish decision because they do not believe in me yet. I also just wish I had a significant other but I do not yet. Especially with what I had to put up with, I do not know if I should believe in love.

I always remember what I always follow and hear. "God works in mysterious ways. He puts us in journeys and challenges to help us grow stronger. He does everything a reason."

So am I loving someone for the wrong reasons or do I not want to be alone? Peter, Peter, Peter... Just grow up... I can't just be in this make believe word. I have to work hard and be more realistic. UGH!! It's just hard talking about this.

Anyways, point is:

Learn to love yourself and learn to be by yourself. If you can't love yourself and be by yourself, how you going to love and be with someone?

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