
Friday, May 13, 2011

Why I want to sing and be a role model

Pier Nguyen
Today was a very interesting day. I ran into my old boss Jolie (I love her), and we were talking about where I am at now and what are my plans. I told her I wanted to be singer more then anything that has to do with my degree.

So in her response, she asked me why? 

I said because I have a great passion in singing and I love writing songs. Also I want to be a positive role-model.

Then she asked me, what is your target audience?

I replied, "the younger generation. Mainly because I had a rough childhood and a difficult background that I wanted to relay the message that I got through it all. So if I can do it then you can to."

Then she goes, "if you do reach out to the younger generation, can you give them one message? That is to find self-entitlement."

So I've been trying to figure out what "self-entitlement" and it basically means when someone thinks they are self-entitled, that means they feel they deserve something without working hard or actually really earning it.

I understood her point she was making but it was really hard to accept. She said my generation tends to feel "self-entitled" because of the generation past lets us; meaning they did less discipline to their children and cared more about them.


I will be super duper honest about this. When I hear something about "how hard it is to find a job," it really isn't hard for me. You know why?? Because I depend on my color and affirmative action. Not only that but I feel self-entitled to get the job lol. <----People might be mad to read this

So... after careful thought about what a wise person said and about myself, I have kinda changed my views and my path.

Now instead of actually encouraging people, I decided to be REAL... I gave up trying the NICE APPROACHABLE WAY. I think it's better for me to be real and say what I need to say, without sugar coating or covering it up.

I rather prepare someone and say it as it is, and how cold the world can be and that you have to work hard to get what you want and earn. I use to think it's better to be a little bit subjunctive and less realistic but now I see that. I guess it's part of growing up and actually taking responsibility and working hard instead of depending 

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